Sunday, December 20, 2009

Source Code for Gears Applet.

Here is the source code for gears applet.

There are a couple of tricks to make it run faster. You can open the applet jnlp file to see how to enable those features.

First trick is to enable Java2D OpenGL pipeline:
-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true

Also you could use some general performance enhancement switches:
-XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+AggressiveOpts

Another suggestion I have received is to run the applet in a separate jvm.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First app using simplex3d.math!

I've been dying to try out the noise function for a while. So here is the result of that experiment:

run kaleidoscope applet

The fun part of this applet is written in Scala. Then there is a panel coded in Java to act as a view. And finally, the JavaFX applet to wrap it nicely for the web. So far these three seem to be getting along very well.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Scala vector math library released.

Just released a math library for Scala. It has a syntax that is very similar to GLSL. Check it out. Any feedback is welcomed.

Compiler plugin is planned but not implemented yet. Stay tuned.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

JavaFX with JOGL

JavaFX carries one big advantage over other technologies: it can have full access to OpenGL. It may take a couple of seconds longer to load, but instead of minimal games you have the opportunity to play modern, fully accelerated 3D games.

Moreover, JavaFX makes it easier to develop these games. You can fully utilize JavaFX widgets and effects on top of your 3D world view.

Soon we will be able to see many games running full 3D, right inside our browsers. Here is a proof of concept demo. Of course you are required to have 3D drivers installed to run it. Also requires Java version 1.6u15 or higher.

run applet

Perhaps the most interesting part of this applet is that the JOGL Gears demo can be embedded in JavaFX without any modifications. The changes were made only to introduce new functionality (pause gears, change the speed, and read fps counter).
In general, minimum to no changes are required to embed JOGL games in JavaFX.